Why did Imam used to appreciate Mohammad-Ali Rajai, Mohammad Javad Bahonar?

Why did Imam used to appreciate Mohammad-Ali Rajai, Mohammad Javad Bahonar?

Imam Khomeinionce said that martyrs Rajai and Bahonar have been of great value due to their closely association with common people.

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, made remarks immediately after the martyrdom of two dignitaries on August 29 1981.

Mohammad-Ali Rajai and Mohammad Javad Bahonar are appreciated due to their simple life-style, wisdom and close association with public.

Bahonar was an Iranian theologian and politician who served as the Prime minister of Iran. Bahonar along with another members of President Mohammad-Ali Rajai's government was assassinated by the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).

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