What were Imam Khomeini's recommendations during holy month of Ramadan?

What were Imam Khomeini's recommendations during holy month of Ramadan?

The Greatest Jihad (Combat with the Self), Text, Page: 22

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, has also given several pieces of advises and left recommendations about the holy month of Ramadan.

I repeat, decide during these thirty days of the blessed month of Ramadan to control your tongue, eyes, ears, and all your organs and limbs, and pay constant attention to the judgment of the sharia about the works you intend to do, and the words you intend to speak and the subject you intend to listen to. This is the elementary and outward manner of keeping a fast. At least keep to this outward manner of fasting! If you observe that someone is about to backbite, prevent him and say to him that we have made a covenant that during these thirty days of Ramadan to keep ourselves from prohibited affairs. And if you are not able to keep him from backbiting, leave that session. Do not just sit there and listen. The Muslims must be safe from you.

The Greatest Jihad (Combat with the Self), Text, Page: 22  

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