Was the Imam himself committed to the constitutional law?

Was the Imam himself committed to the constitutional law?

As we know, Imam always put emphasis on the right people should have to choose their own destiny. When the Islamic Republic was in the early stages of its evolution, it encountered different types of hurdles and obstacles. In such conditions Imam not only knew himself highly committed to the constitutional law, which was of course proved through his speech and practical behavior, but also encouraged people and the officials to obey the law in all aspects even in legal and judicial affairs.

It is apparent that in some cases which had not been mentioned in the constitution of the Islamic republic he had to make critical decisions to confront the plots of enemies, but such cases are very rare in practice.

On the dominance of law over different parts of a system and the duties of a leader Imam explains:

Wilāyat-e faqīh is guardianship over the affairs to let them run properly. It controls Majlis and president to avoid doing wrong. It inspects prime minister to stop him doing wrong. It monitors all the system and the army, preventing any wrong. We want to hinder dictatorship. We do not want dictatorship to exist. We want anti-dictatorship. It is anti-dictatorship. (Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 10, p. 219)

Islam is the religion of law. Muhammad the Prophet could not violate the law! He did not, because he could not disobey the law. God says to him, “If Muhammad ascribed lies to me, he would be avenged and cut off his vessel of hand.” It is law that rules. No one rules other than the divine law. There is guardianship for anyone, neither faqīh nor non-faqīh. All act under law. All people, including faqīh and non-faqīh, practice law. (Sahifeh-ye Imam, vol. 10, pp. 249-50)

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