The Principles of the Islamic Awakening in Imam Khomeini`s Response to BBC Reporter

The Principles of the Islamic Awakening in Imam Khomeini's Response to BBC Reporter

The Iranian nation has also realized that the widespread crimes the Shah commits are due to his ties with the superpowers. Hence our nation rose up and other countries, including the Islamic countries, have realized this bitter truth and by studying their history, they have discerned that all the problems the nations face have been created by the superpowers.

Saturday, December 01, 2012 03:25

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Imam Also Had Sympathy for the Unity of Non-Muslims

Hassan Iqbal

Imam Also Had Sympathy for the Unity of Non-Muslims

"Not only the unity of Muslims, but also Imam had sympathy for the unity of non-Muslim nations and for all human race and he did everything for everyone in the world it is the great thing that we admire.", said Hassan Iqbal was interviewed by Imam Khomeini English Portal.

Monday, August 20, 2012 11:55

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A Day to Announce Muslims` Supports of Palestinians

The Global Day of Quds,

A Day to Announce Muslims' Supports of Palestinians

A young Palestinian Journalist described the global Quds day, a day to announce the global support of Palestinians in the format of the doctrine which Imam Khomeini has institutionalized in 1971.

Saturday, August 11, 2012 04:16

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Special Features of the "Global Quds Day"

Special Features of the "Global Quds Day"

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 09:10

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Fighting the Illegitimate Occupiers of Quds

Fighting the Illegitimate Occupiers of Quds

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 08:20

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Martyrdom of Mustafa Chamran

Imam Khomeini's Message

Martyrdom of Mustafa Chamran

Dear Chamran spent a lifetime- from start to end with a grand divine purpose and a pure and untainted ideology without attachment to any political groups and bands. His life was dedicated to gaining the light of divine knowledge and earning proximity to God and he strove on that path and sacrificed his life for it. He lived and died in honor and attained to the Truth.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 09:21

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Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The Prophet of Islam, the Noblest of Beings and the Most Perfect Human Being

Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The universe was never before and will never after be graced with a blessing such as the sacred being of the Noble Messenger of Islam. This auspicious being is the noblest of God's creations, the most perfect human being ever, and is the greatest guide of mankind. [1]

Sunday, June 17, 2012 01:29

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Imam Khomeini and Islamic Awakening Conference in Sweden

Imam Khomeini and Islamic Awakening Conference in Sweden

In occasion of the anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s heavenly departure a conference entitled ‘Imam Khomeini and Islamic Awakening’ was held in Stockholm, Sweden.

Friday, June 08, 2012 02:37

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