Leader says US must lift all sanctions before Iran returns to JCPOA commitments

Leader says US must lift all sanctions before Iran returns to JCPOA commitments

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the United States must first lift all sanctions it has imposed on Tehran after unilaterally withdrawing from a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran before the Islamic Republic would return to full compliance with its its commitments under the deal.

Sunday, March 21, 2021 03:29

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President Rouhani says  enemies cannot speak to Iranians with ‘language of force, threat’

President Rouhani says enemies cannot speak to Iranians with ‘language of force, threat’

In his message to the nation on the occasion of the Persian New Year or Nowruz on Saturday, President Hassan Rouhani has commended the patience and perseverance of the great Iranian nation, saying the enemies have admitted that they cannot speak to the Iranian people with the language of force, threats and sanctions.

Saturday, March 20, 2021 12:16

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Great prophets were sent to with light of Divine Laws, Imam Khomeini elucidated

Great prophets were sent to with light of Divine Laws, Imam Khomeini elucidated

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that God revealed to them heavenly books, so that they may prevent people from indulging into extravagances and immoderations, and bring the human self under the control of reason and the law of Shari’ah.

Saturday, March 13, 2021 10:03

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Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 was one of the most important uprisings in modern political history, an event which still shapes the world. After enduring decades of economic exploitation under the British, followed by a CIA and MI6 coup in 1953 to overthrow Iranian PM Mossadegh and replace him with Western-backed monarch the Shah, Iran finally stood up to Britain and the United States. Iranians took to the streets by the millions, regained its sovereignty as well control over its natural resources and dealt a heavy blow to imperialism, setting the stage for resistance and anti-imperialist movements to this day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 11:31

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Iran’s Islamic Revolution altered bipolar world system

Iran’s Islamic Revolution altered bipolar world system

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran altered the bipolar world system that involved the eastern and the western blocs of power, and brought the Muslim world into play on the global stage.

Tuesday, February 09, 2021 01:39

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Western media propagating negative narratives about Islamic Republic

Western media propagating negative narratives about Islamic Republic

Mainstream media has played a major role in propagating negative narratives about the Islamic Republic.

Monday, February 08, 2021 12:41

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The Ten-Day Dawn celebrations kicked off across Iran and elsewhere in world

The Ten-Day Dawn celebrations kicked off across Iran and elsewhere in world

The annual festivities started on Sunday morning, commemorating the moment the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, disembarked from an Air France jumbo jet to a massive welcome back home, ending his exile in Paris.

Monday, February 01, 2021 12:04

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