What was Imam’s motive behind writing a commentary on Forty Hadith?

What was Imam’s motive behind writing a commentary on Forty Hadith?

Imam Khomeini: I, a humble servant of God, was contemplating for some time, to select forty hadith from among the ahadith of the members of the Household of the Prophet (peace be upon them) from the authentic books of the companions, and scholars, and was trying to compile them with an appropriate explanation of each of them that can be applied to the general conditions of the people.

Monday, November 23, 2020 05:16

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What is the significance of Arbaeen and how did Imam Hossein (PBUH) destroy foundations of monarchy?

What is the significance of Arbaeen and how did Imam Hossein (PBUH) destroy foundations of monarchy?

The Doyen of martyr Imam Hussein (PBUH) staged an uprising with some of his companions and destroyed the very foundations of that wicked person's monarchy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 08:25

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Arbaeen marks an important turning point in the movement of Karbala

Arbaeen marks an important turning point in the movement of Karbala

A great significance had been attached to this day because the Ahlul-Bayt reached the land of Karbala on this day and performed pilgrimage to the holy shrines of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his 72 companion who gave their life for the cause of Islam.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020 10:59

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   Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of the event of al-Mubahala

Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of the event of al-Mubahala

As Islam emerged triumphantly over Christianity on the occasion of Mubahala, this historic event is celebrated as a festival (‘Eid) of thanksgiving for the triumph of the truth of the message of Islam.

Thursday, August 13, 2020 08:15

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 Al-Mubahila: the historical occasion of the triumphant victory of prophet, his dearest ones

Al-Mubahila: the historical occasion of the triumphant victory of prophet, his dearest ones

The debate was traditionally known as Mubahala, which occurred on the 10th year of AH. The prophet (PBUH) decided to participate in Mubahala and took up an invitation to meet with the Christians.

Saturday, August 08, 2020 10:06

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Imam Khomeini`s Forty Hadtih, a source of divine knowledge and wisdom

Imam Khomeini's Forty Hadtih, a source of divine knowledge and wisdom

Forty Hadith by Imam Khomeini, the original work in Persian, published several times under the title “Arba’in, ya chihil hadith” was written by Imam al-Khumayni nearly five decades ago and was completed in the month of Muharram 1358 (April-May, 1939).

Monday, July 20, 2020 12:50

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Spiritual travelers should evaluate themselves on a daily basis to get rid of evil habits , Imam Khomeini explained

Spiritual travelers should evaluate themselves on a daily basis to get rid of evil habits , Imam ...

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works have suggested recommendations and guidelines which could get rid them from bad desires

Tuesday, July 07, 2020 06:42

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