Imam wanted the Muslims to be United


Imam wanted the Muslims to be United

Abdolmarzooq, a Sri Lankan lawyer who is also a judge was interviewed by Imam Khomeini English Portal.

Monday, August 20, 2012 07:55

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Imam Khomeini’s Dream Will Come True in a Near Future

Qazi Qoreishi

Imam Khomeini’s Dream Will Come True in a Near Future

Qazi Qoreishi studied law in India as well as in England. In India he became an advocate of Mumbai high court in 1949 and in 1959 he graduated in law in London. He practiced law since 1949 until 1951. When in Mumbai in 1960, a new high court existed which he practiced and became judge there. He retired from high court judgeship in August of 1989. Below you will find his responses in an interview.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012 02:39

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Importance of Judgment in Islam

Imam's Speech for the Participants in the Seminar of Revolutionary Courts and Religious Rulers across the Country

Importance of Judgment in Islam

You may disgrace a Muslim or administer rights with the pen you hold in your hand, so you should be careful that God is Omnipresent and Omniscient.

Thursday, June 28, 2012 09:44

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Protesting the Capitulation and inviting the people and `ulama` to uprising

Protesting the Capitulation and inviting the people and `ulama' to uprising

The leader of the Iranian revolution issued a statement, which showed his opposition to the Capitulation Bill in 1964. This statement lead to the removal and nullification of this bill . Excerpts of this message is as follows: Now the American military and non-military advisers, their families and their servants are free to commit any crime and the Iranian police do not have the right to arrest them. The Iranian courts are not qualified to judge over them; Why? Because America is the country of dollars and Iran needs those dollars! According to this shameful enactment, if an American adviser or the servant of an American adviser insults or offends against one of the maraji` at-taqlid of Iran, one of the esteemed people, one of the high-ranking officers, the police are not allowed to arrest him; the courts are not allowed to judge him. But if their dogs are offended, the police have to interfere and the court should investigate!

Thursday, November 24, 2011 03:27

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