Imam Khomeini Sought Strong Participation of People

Imam Khomeini Sought Strong Participation of People

The founder of the Islamic Republic sought a very strong participation and role of masses and public in all areas of life form all perspectives.

Friday, October 10, 2014 06:07

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Institute Promoted Imam Khomeini Dynamic Works

Institute Promoted Imam Khomeini Dynamic Works

The institute for compilation and publications of Imam Khomeini's works played vital role in promoting dynamic works, speeches and messages of the founder of the Islamic Republic over the past few years.

Monday, September 08, 2014 12:24

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Imam Khomeini Strengthened Democracy and Rule of Law

Imam Khomeini Strengthened Democracy and Rule of Law

Imam Khomeini, the world religious and spiritual power insisted on developing an all-inclusive democratic institution, promoting democracy and enforcing rule of law in the society.

Monday, July 07, 2014 02:59

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Imam Khomeini’s mysticism sole solution to all hurdles

Imam Khomeini’s mysticism sole solution to all hurdles

What follows is a rough text of an exclusive interview with Dr. Fatima Tabatabai, the head of department of the Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution Research Center, and head of Iran’s Scientific Association of Islamic Mysticism.

Friday, May 30, 2014 09:31

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Ayatollah Khamenei insists focus on culture, economy

Ayatollah Khamenei insists focus on culture, economy

Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has urged Iranian nation to concentrate their efforts on cultural development and economic blossoming. The leader made the statement in his message to the Iranian nation on the occasion of the Persian New Year on Thursday.

Saturday, March 22, 2014 11:18

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Imam`s Wise Management Shielded Revolution Against Conspiracies

Imam's Wise Management Shielded Revolution Against Conspiracies

The Islamic Revolution became victim of terrorism and several of the prominent figures were assassinated by the enemies in very beginning, said Hojjat al-Islam Seyed Ali Ghazi Asghar, the supreme leader envoy in Hajj affairs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013 02:16

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