Imam did not like to use pulpit out of respect for great scholars.

Imam did not like to use pulpit out of respect for great scholars.

Narrated by: Sayed Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Islamic Republic--Taken from: Shahed Journal, no. 195

Tuesday, November 07, 2023 09:01

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History of 13th Aban occasion and  the National Day of fighting global arrogance

History of 13th Aban occasion and the National Day of fighting global arrogance

Aban 13 (Nov. 4) marks three important events: the anniversary of the takeover of the former US embassy in Tehran by Muslim students following Imam Khomeini's path (1979), the anniversary of the exile of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini by Shah (1964), and the Student Day (marking the day in 1978 on which several students taking part in a protest rally against the Shah were martyred.)

Sunday, November 05, 2023 08:27

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Iranians mark  anniversary of the US embassy takeover, National Day against Global Arrogance

Iranians mark anniversary of the US embassy takeover, National Day against Global Arrogance

Millions of Iranians have taken to the streets across the country to commemorate the anniversary of the US embassy takeover, also known as Den of Espionage, which is named the National Day against the Global Arrogance.

Saturday, November 04, 2023 11:18

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Summit to discuss role of Imam`s trustee during exile to be held in Qom on November 09

Summit to discuss role of Imam's trustee during exile to be held in Qom on November 09

The trustees of the Imam are also the ones who had been influential in the society during the years of the Imam's exile.

Saturday, November 04, 2023 10:03

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Israeli attack on Gaza hospital must awake sleeping conscience Western rulers, allied media

Israeli attack on Gaza hospital must awake sleeping conscience Western rulers, allied media

Seyyed Hassan Khomeini, the grandson of the late founder of the Islamic Republic says Israeli attack on Gaza hospital must awake consciousness of the rulers of the US-led Western countries and their allied media.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 07:45

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Israel`s corrupt regime Israel inflicted so much suffering on Palestinians, other regional nations

Israel's corrupt regime Israel inflicted so much suffering on Palestinians, other regional nations

Imam Khomeini described the usurping regime as a "cancer." This cancer will surely be eradicated by the grace of God at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the entire region.

Monday, October 09, 2023 11:36

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Institute should remain at forefront while defending Imam’s ideals

Institute should remain at forefront while defending Imam’s ideals

The head of institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works has said that devotees should have no hesitation or doubt while presenting or defending dynamic thoughts and ideals of the late founder of the Islamic Republic.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 10:45

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