Disarmament, Weapons Control and Defense Diplomacy in the Views and Thoughts of Imam Khomeini.

Disarmament, Weapons Control and Defense Diplomacy in the Views and Thoughts of Imam Khomeini.

In this article, as necessary, Imam Khomeini's defense military views and ideas will be discussed, specifically in the field of disarmament and arms control. The main purpose is to answer the basic question: "What was the goal and meaning of Imam Khomeini's approach to disarmament and arms control? The temporary answer is that Imam Khomeini was thinking about weapons of mass destruction, Disarmament, and controlling the conventional weapons of arms.

Monday, October 24, 2022 03:33

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Why did Shah regime send Mostafa Khomeini to exile?

Why did Shah regime send Mostafa Khomeini to exile?

Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 08:11

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The Concept of Defense in Imam Khomeini`s Thought.

The Concept of Defense in Imam Khomeini's Thought.

Imam's defense thought has a comprehensive framework, system and generality. Defense according to the ideas of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) is of a divine and humanistic nature. This article in tends to examine the position of defense in the thoughts and biography of Imam Khomeini (PBUH) and tries to study and analyze the role of Imam (PBUH) in defending the op pressed Islamic nations.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 10:43

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Millions stage rallies across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

Millions stage rallies across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

Millions of Iranians have taken to the streets across the vast country to condemn desecration of Islamic sanctities and acts of vandalism by rioters in the past few days.

Friday, September 23, 2022 09:50

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Iran’s Armed Forces holding parades to mark start of Sacred Defense Week

Iran’s Armed Forces holding parades to mark start of Sacred Defense Week

Iranian Armed Forces hold military parades across the country and in the Persian Gulf waters to mark the Sacred Defense Week, which marks the anniversary of the 1980-88 Iraq-imposed war.

Thursday, September 22, 2022 07:14

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