Attention to other than God covers man with veils of darkness, Imam Khomeini explained

Attention to other than God covers man with veils of darkness, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that attention to other than God covers man with veils of darkness..

Friday, December 25, 2020 09:37

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President Rouhani says Iranians` resistance will make US give up sanctions

President Rouhani says Iranians' resistance will make US give up sanctions

President Hassan Rouhani says he is confident that the next US administration will abandon its sanctions policy against the Iranian people and will bow under their “national power” and resistance. He made the remarks on Thursday in a ceremony held to inaugurate a number of Interior Ministry’s developmental plans.

Thursday, December 17, 2020 04:19

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The assassinations of Iranian scientists carry fingerprints of the Israeli regime

The assassinations of Iranian scientists carry fingerprints of the Israeli regime

The 27th November assassination of Iranian prominent physicist and nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who played a leading role in the search for "homegrown test kits for COVID-19," carries fingerprints of the Israeli regime, which has long history of murdering scientific elites across parts of the world.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 01:00

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Performing virtuous deeds must be accompanied with a sense of modesty before God, Imam Khomeini highlighted.

Performing virtuous deeds must be accompanied with a sense of modesty before God, Imam Khomeini ...

There is no doubt that when anyone performs good deeds, like fasting, night vigils, etc., he feels some kind of joy and pleasure within him. But to feel pleasure and delight on performing virtuous deeds accompanied with a sense of humility and modesty before God and gratitude to God for His favors, and to ask Him to increase them, is not ‘ujb.

Sunday, December 13, 2020 04:20

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Imam Khomeini stressed self-purification as prelude to correct society

Imam Khomeini stressed self-purification as prelude to correct society

Imam Khomeini through his theological works stressed that one who seeks to purify a society will not be able to achieve one's goal if one's self is not purged and purified.

Saturday, November 14, 2020 12:56

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 Nature commands man to be grateful to his benefactor, Imam Khomeini explained

Nature commands man to be grateful to his benefactor, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that thankfulness is natural and man’s nature commands man to be grateful to his benefactor.

Sunday, November 08, 2020 10:28

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