The transformation the theories of the Islamic unity after the Islamic revolution (with an emphasis on Imam Khomeini`s views and also those of Ayatollah Khamenei)

The transformation the theories of the Islamic unity after the Islamic revolution (with an emphasis ...

This research searches for the influence that the founding of the Islamic and the Shia rule in Iran have had on the Islamic unity theory and that has been put forward by the Shia leaders.

Monday, October 26, 2020 12:40

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The Islamic government`s foreign policy with an emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s thought

The Islamic government's foreign policy with an emphasis on Imam Khomeini’s thought

The research seeks to answer a main question " what is the Islamic government's essence according to Imam Khomeini?'" and I seek to test that is that the Islamic government's foreign policy essence according to Imam is the one that has a cultural and a value essence.

Monday, October 26, 2020 12:27

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Imam theorized pillars of Islamic governance during lectures in Najaf

Imam theorized pillars of Islamic governance during lectures in Najaf

A memoirs by Sheikh Ali Iraqchi, extracted from ray of sun, pp276-279

Sunday, October 04, 2020 09:30

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Imam never mixed up various disciplines of knowledge

Imam never mixed up various disciplines of knowledge

A memoirs by Ayatollah Seyyed Jalal ad-Din Ashtiani

Thursday, September 24, 2020 08:37

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Imam used to hail specialization, criticized those who had not enough knowledge

Imam used to hail specialization, criticized those who had not enough knowledge

A memoirs by Ayatollah Jalal ud-Din Ashtiani, extracted from the book "series of friend’s hair"

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 02:35

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 In annual Hajj message, leader says interests of Islamic Ummah lie in unity

In annual Hajj message, leader says interests of Islamic Ummah lie in unity

In his annual Hajj message on Tuesday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stressed the unity among Muslim Ummah

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 04:24

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Imam Khomeini`s Forty Hadtih, a source of divine knowledge and wisdom

Imam Khomeini's Forty Hadtih, a source of divine knowledge and wisdom

Forty Hadith by Imam Khomeini, the original work in Persian, published several times under the title “Arba’in, ya chihil hadith” was written by Imam al-Khumayni nearly five decades ago and was completed in the month of Muharram 1358 (April-May, 1939).

Monday, July 20, 2020 12:50

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Imam`s daughter-in-law hospitalized after contracting coronavirus

Imam's daughter-in-law hospitalized after contracting coronavirus

Dr. Fatima Tabatabai, the daughter in law of Imam Khomeini, has been hospitalized in. Tehran's Masih Daneshvari Hospital following contracting coronavirus.

Monday, July 06, 2020 05:24

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