Imam Khomeini once addressing the seminary students said: You should make plans to realize the results and effects of you work, and you should be serious about reaching your fundamental and basic goal. When you enter the seminary, before anything else, you should plan to reform yourselves.
Friday, November 03, 2023 03:38
Imam Khomeini explained that God the Almighty blessed humans with the power to refine and purify themselves.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 08:26
Imam Khomeini stresses that it is necessary for you to refine yourselves, so that when you become the chief of a community or a clan, you will be able to refine them, as well.
Monday, October 23, 2023 01:28
Saturday, October 07, 2023 11:11
According to Imam Khomeini, one should deliberate upon the matter that if he becomes known in this world for having this bad habit, he will be degraded in the eyes of his fellows and become infamous among his fellow human beings.
Friday, October 06, 2023 07:28
Imam Khomeini advised seminary students that the learning of these sciences in reality is an introduction to the refinement of the soul and the acquisition of virtue
Friday, September 15, 2023 12:28
Imam Khomeini explains through his theological works that one of kind of kibr signifies the extreme of ignorance and the absence of knowledge about one’s limits and the majesty of the Necessary Being. As to the kibr towards the prophets and awliya’ of God, it was an attitude, which was more prevalent during their own days.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 01:01
The late founder of the Islamic Republic frequently stressed that the Islamic Revolution had been inspired by the uprising of Imam Hossein ('a) and its spirit should be kept alive forever.
Tuesday, September 05, 2023 12:37