Imam was the only person who was calm

Imam was the only person who was calm

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:53

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Imam`s Wise Leadership Triggered Unity among Iranian Masses

Imam's Wise Leadership Triggered Unity among Iranian Masses

A senior lawmaker says the Iranian masses became united during tough times of imposed war under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini and defended the Islamic nation against global aggression.

Monday, July 22, 2013 01:53

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Imam Khomeini Endorsed 598 Resolutions to End the Imposed War

Imam Khomeini Endorsed 598 Resolutions to End the Imposed War

The founder of the Islamic Republic said he considers acceptance of the resolution as a move in the interest of the revolution and the system.

Saturday, July 20, 2013 12:55

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A Sincere Gathering with Guests from Turkey During 24th Departure Anniversary of the Great Imam

A Sincere Gathering with Guests from Turkey During 24th Departure Anniversary of the Great Imam

Bayram Touran who was among the foreign guests attending the 24th passing away anniversary of the founder of the Islamic Republic says Shia Muslims' identity across Turkey is closely associated and linked with Imam Khomeini's name.

Saturday, July 06, 2013 02:09

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Imam`s Emphasis on Serving the Needs of People

Imam's Emphasis on Serving the Needs of People

A group of the Islamic republic of Iran's Police met Imam Khomeini in Qom on May 10, 1979. In this visit Imam delivered a speech on the quality of the Islamic government and its difference with other governments and advised the officials to serve the needs of people and asked them to behave them well.

Sunday, May 12, 2013 03:44

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Imam Khomeini Highlighted Significance of Ethics in Politics

Imam Khomeini Highlighted Significance of Ethics in Politics

The great Imam himself narrates that Pakravan, the then chief of the State Organization for Security and Information (SAVAK approached him and said...

Friday, April 05, 2013 12:19

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Western Democracy, Islamic Democracy

Western Democracy, Islamic Democracy

No suppression exists in Islam; there is freedom for all the people in Islam: for both men and women and for the blacks and whites...

Monday, April 01, 2013 01:32

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Societies Can Attain Salvation Through Following Hazrat Fatimah

valueable sayings of Hazrat Fatimah

Societies Can Attain Salvation Through Following Hazrat Fatimah

And made them wear the dress of life by His main & might & created them according to His divine will & Intention, short of it that He might have needed their creation, or have wished any benefit for Himself from their shaping & sketching...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 06:48

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