Monday, May 09, 2022 03:33
The purpose of this research is to express the innovations of Imam Khomeini in the context of sex change in spouses. Consequently, according to Imam Khomeini, sex change is not forbidden, but it will change the family titles due to the negation of the former marriage.
Sunday, April 24, 2022 11:11
In Imam Khomeini’s opinion, if a person is the most knowledgeable in Religion Science, but fails to recognize the expedient of society or generally lacks in insight the social and political context and in decision making power, this person is not Mujtahid in social and governance issues and cannot take the reigns of the community.
Tuesday, April 05, 2022 10:47
Imam through his theological works says it should be remembered that in the same way as ‘ujb is sometimes the source of pride, jealousy (hasad) may also be the source of pride.
Saturday, February 26, 2022 02:16
One of the figures who introduced Islamic economics was Imam Khomeini who was the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to him, Islamic economy has several principles that are different from the principles of socialist and capitalist economics.
Saturday, February 05, 2022 05:22
Imam through his theological works warns that It should be remembered that the desires of the carnal self are numerous and of diverse kinds, varying according to their intensity as well as the desired object.
Sunday, January 23, 2022 10:52
The present paper will explain the religious democracy in the ideologies of leaders of the Islamic republic of Iran (Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei), with in three theoretical, principles and components of religious democracy. In the thoughts of Imam Khomeini and ayatollah Khamenei there is a firm link between religion and politics, and democracy originates from religion.
Monday, January 17, 2022 10:22
Imam Khomeini through his theological works advised the believers to decorate themselves with divine virtues and avoid from moral decline.
Saturday, October 16, 2021 02:13