The Muslim Revivalist Movements: The Role of Imam Khomeini in its Development and Continuity

The Muslim Revivalist Movements: The Role of Imam Khomeini in its Development and Continuity

Imam Khomeini has achieved successes in continuance of the movement of religious revivalism, that other Islamic reformists have achieved less. Imam Khomeini is one of significant revivalists who led the Islamic revolution in Iran and consequently brought about changes in Muslim society and civilization. In this article, distinctive features of Imam Khomeini’s revivalism will be examined.

Monday, March 11, 2024 05:15

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Imam Khomeini explained how sins corrupt the heart

Imam Khomeini explained how sins corrupt the heart

Imam Khomeini through his books and works explained that not only are these illnesses unaccompanied by pain, but they also bring apparent pleasure. Meetings and sessions of backbiting are very warm and sweet! Love of the self and love of the world, which are the roots of all sins, are pleasurable.

Thursday, February 22, 2024 04:53

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Imam was an expert in the field of exegesis of the Holy Quran

Imam was an expert in the field of exegesis of the Holy Quran

On different occasions, Imam interpreted the Holy Quran verses and these interpretations have been compiled in five volumes.

Tuesday, December 05, 2023 01:23

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Imam Khomeini advised seminary students to make plans to realize the results and effects

Imam Khomeini advised seminary students to make plans to realize the results and effects

Imam Khomeini once addressing the seminary students said: You should make plans to realize the results and effects of you work, and you should be serious about reaching your fundamental and basic goal. When you enter the seminary, before anything else, you should plan to reform yourselves.

Friday, November 03, 2023 03:38

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Imam Khomeini’s famous work “Forty Hadith” contains enriched discussion

Imam Khomeini’s famous work “Forty Hadith” contains enriched discussion

Imam Khomeini’s works, books contain treasure of mysticism and a range of discussions on spirituality which are useful for the entire humanity.

Sunday, October 15, 2023 10:17

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Imam Khomeini stressed need for purifying intentions

Imam Khomeini stressed need for purifying intentions

Imam Khomeini recommended the faithful people of purifying their intentions, rectifying their deeds and expelling love of self .

Monday, April 17, 2023 10:37

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