Imam in his theological works explains It should be known that tafsir (exegesis) of this blessed Sarah and that of the beginning verses of Surat al-Hadid is beyond the capacity of the likes of us, and, in fact, outside the scope of the present discourse.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 08:02
Thursday, December 02, 2021 07:46
A five-volume collection containing Quranic exegesis, which were extracted from Imam Khomeini’s works, has been unveiled at a recent ceremony held in the Turkish port city of Istanbul.
Thursday, November 11, 2021 07:19
A Tunisian writer has extracted views about new Islamic civilization from precious works of Imam Khomeini and Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 12:00
The grandson of Imam Khomeini says the late founder of the Islamic Republic in his very essence had been a moral mentor and an ethics teacher.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 08:32
A series of volumes containing Imam Khomeini's Quranic ideals have been translated from Persian to Turkish language. This will attract help Imam's devotees to comprehend Quranic concepts with more depths and great insightfulness.
Wednesday, June 09, 2021 10:58
Sunday, November 22, 2020 11:25
Today coincides with the 8th day of the lunar month of Rabi' Thani, which marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari (Peace be upon him), the 11th Shia Imam.
Sunday, October 25, 2020 11:29